A cohort of 31 fiction authors and artists released stories on Substack to celebrate the anniversary of the first airing of the Twilight Zone on 11.24.1968.
I’m a sucker for internet moments, so here is a little something to celebrate with a 5-word microfiction.
he made me dinner.
This 5WP is based off the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man". As a kid, we didn't watch much TV, but I saw this episode on Nickelodeon at my cousin's place. In a pre-streaming world, this was a completely random occurrence. As luck would have it, the only episode that I’ve ever watched turned out to be one of their more famous episodes.
Physically, this was the drawn and formatted as a foldy comic. If you'd like to read this book as designed, download my PDF.
While you're at it, download instructions to make your own foldy comics by
I initially graphed the piece with a ruling pen on a single page. After scanning it in, I realized that shape and order of words was perfect for a foldy comic. Plus it would be a special way to fete this event.
Congratulations for
and for coordinating the…Enter!
This turned out great! And bonus points for laying it out so effectively: I printed it out on my home printer (black and white, unfortunately) and it folded up perfectly!