The kids placed the darbuka between a Poang chair and its ottoman. The threw an O-ball back and forth, bouncing it off of the drum head.
That O-ball has been the best baby toy purchase that we’ve ever made.
(I wrote this when we moved into our home in 2024.)
Seventeen years ago I woke up in a 90 sf apartment overlooking an elementary school.
Now we're the proud owners of a 2,103 sf house. I can see the local elementary school between the neighbor's houses.
It wasn't that long ago that I shared a toilet, halfway down a flight a stairs.
Now there's four of us. We share three toilets. Our kitchen sink is as wide as the whole damn kitchenette.
It's weird to wake up in this new reality. I'm not sure what to make of this change, except to be grateful.
But dammit, I'll always miss Paris.
Success can be weird, right? Our inner self tells us we're posers, phonies, imposters. When that happens to me, I have to say, "Hey, I earned this so shut the f... up!"